Narrowing down the internet’s endless recipes one week at a time.
It was a rough stretch there, but we’ve re-emerged from Mercury’s retro-grasp and we’re feeling…hungry.
Deciding what to cook this weekend? Here are a few vetted options to get you started. There’s no wrong answer (but there are extra points available for making a recipe with the drink.)
Eyeswoon's Citrus Salad
We know, it's not winter anymore, but we crave citrus all day, every day. Give it a whirl - maybe with some oro blanco grapefruit thrown in there (a la Eva Chen).
Alison Roman's Crispy Pork Chop
At least one person in our office makes this dish any given week. Perfection on a plate.
Almond Butter + Banana Pancakes
We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Breakfast for dinner is always acceptable.
Olive-y Linguine with Zesty Breadcrumbs
Olives, capers, anchovies and herbs? No better flavor bomb for our mouths.
Recipe from Bon Appetit's basically
Everything's Coming up Rose
When all else fails.